Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fun for young boys -- get stuck in a vending machine!

This entry is dedicated to Paige Ferrari, since she is currently in hiding (or something).

While I was scanning the news wires, I came across this dandy little piece:

Abilene, Texas -- Three-year-old Joshua Walk crawled up the chute of a restaurant toy vending machine to try and liberate one of the toys he wanted on his own. (October 24, 2006)

Then I spotted this story:

Antigo, Wisconsin -- Three-year-old Robert Moore climbed into a vending machine for a stuffed SpongeBob SquarePants. (October 24, 2006)

Two stories about boys trapped in vending machines in one day. Coincidence? This piqued my interest, so I scoured around for other recent incidents similar to this. I hit the jackpot...

Austin, Minnesota -- Three-year-old Devin Haskin crawled through the discharge chute of a Toy Chest claw machine at a Godfather's Pizza in his hometown, he ended up on the other side of the glass surrounded by stuffed animals. (March 26, 2006)

Wait, there's more:

Elkhart, Indiana - Three-year-old James Manges II slid down a chute into the crane vending machine at a Wal-Mart, where he played happily with the toys. (May 19, 2005)

I was about to conclude that getting stuck in vending machines was exclusive fun for three-year-old boys. Then I uncovered this one:

Sheboygan, Wisconsin -- Seven-year-old Timmy Novotny crawled into a stuffed toy animal game machine at a Piggly Wiggly supermarket. (January 4, 2004)

I wonder why little girls don't climb into vending machines...


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